Saturday, December 1, 2007


December 01. ha, 01. its funny how much has changed, but then again, its even more funny, whats remained the same. Try, try some more. But try harder next time. Harder? I dont know how i can try any harder in this life of mine. Ive replaced happiness with cigarettes and booze. Like the drunk man youve seen on the corner staring at the sky. waiting. wishing. wanting. dying. Ive seen it so many times. People who "try", or even worse, people who "tried". I guess you cant accomplish anything by trying, you just have to do it. do it right. not only do you have to do it right, in some cases, you gotta do it right on the first try. I was never good at that. Its always been later when i learn. Ive always been too little, too late. I remember his words well, the man everyone pointed at and called crazy. He said, "man, alive". i thought he was crazy as well, b/c i was too young to know. Too young to see into his eyes. I should have seen the pain watering from his eyes, while he stared at the sky. But its not like that here. Your all you got. No one cares.. so no matter how long you stand in the street, drunk, staring at the sky, nothing can change the facts of whats done is done, and so am i.

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